February Birthstone: 10 Fun Facts (Amethyst)

Delve into the fascinating world of amethysts with us and learn 10 fun facts about this decadent gemstone…

  1. February's Birthstone: Amethyst is the beloved birthstone for February. As the poem goes

    “The February-born shall find
    Sincerity and peace of mind,
    Freedom from passion and from care,
    If they an amethyst will wear.”

  2. Royal Purple Radiance: Known for its bold violet hues, amethyst's shades range from pale lavender to deep grape, colours fit for royalty!

  3. Romantic Symbolism: Amethyst symbolises love, sincerity, and emotional balance, making it an ideal choice to mark romantic occasions.

  4. Healing Properties: Some believe amethysts provide soothing & stress relieving qualities…quick, cover me in amethysts!

  5. Amethysts in History: Humorously, the ancient Greeks were known to add amethysts into their drinking vessels, believing that it could ward off drunkenness. They named the gem "amethystos," meaning "not intoxicated"…they’re clearly a party must have ; )

  6. Durability: With a moderate hardness on the Mohs scale (7), amethyst serves as an excellent choice for those who want to get plenty of wear from their jewellery.

  7. Global Origins: Amethyst is mined in various parts of the world, with Brazil, Zambia, and Russia being notable contributors.

  8. Timeless Beauty: Despite its moderate abundance, top-quality amethysts with vivid colours and minimal inclusions remain precious and sought after by collectors worldwide.

  9. Spiritual Significance: Amethyst has long been associated with spiritual practices and are believed by some to enhance meditation & deepen spiritual insight.

  10. Colour-Changing Marvels: Some amethysts exhibit a rare phenomenon known as pleochroism, displaying different colors when viewed from different angles. This enchanting quality adds an extra layer of mystique to these captivating gemstones.

Explore Erin’s current (available at the time of posting) one-of-a-kind pieces featuring amethyst below…